頭頸癌有哪些診斷 What Composed of Head and Neck Cancers 表格
Nov 7, 2021
吳懷珏 醫師 整理
這算是自己很粗淺的讀書筆記,畢竟頭頸癌的種類多樣,不同指引與團隊分類的方式各異。ICD-10 主要用來計價、統計、醫療行政用,WHO tumour classification 為病理科醫師的參考分類法,AJCC TNM 則為影像診斷科、臨床科分期用,而 NCCN 則為治療指引。
以下列 NCCN 的 guideline 項目以供搜尋方便:
- Ethmoid Sinus Tumors
- Maxillary Sinus Tumors
- Mucosal Melanoma
- Cancer of the Nasopharynx
- Cancer of the Supraglottis
- Cancer of the Glottic Larynx
- Cancer of the Hypopharynx
- Cancer of the Lip (Mucosa)
- Cancer of the Oral Cavity : buccal mucosa, floor of mouth, anterior tongue, alveolar ridge, retromolar trigone, hard palate
- Cancer of the Oropharynx : base of tongue, tonsil, posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate
- Occult Primary
- Very Advanced Head and Neck Cancer
- Salivary Gland Tumors