[翻譯文] 帝國主義的經濟寄生蟲 Economic parasites of imperialism

Gem Wu 吳懷珏
5 min readDec 16, 2016



Although the new imperialism has been bad business for the nation, it has been good business for certain classes and certain trades within the nation. The vast expenditure on armaments, the costly wars, the grave risks and embarrassments of foreign policy, the stoppage of political and social reforms within Great Britain, though fraught with great injury to the nation, have served well the present business interests of certain industries and professions.


It is idle to meddle with politics unless we clearly recognize the central fact and understand what these sectional interest are which are the enemies of national safety and the commonwealth. We must put aside the merely sentimental diagnosis which explains wars of other national blunders by outbursts of patriotic animosity or errors of statecraft. Doubtless at every outbreak of war not only the man in the street but the man at the helm is often duped by the cunning with which aggressive motives and greedy purposes dress themselves in defensive clothing. There is, it may be safely asserted, no war within memory, however nakedly aggressive it may seem to the dispassionate historian, which has not been presented to the people who were called upon to fight as a necessary defensive policy, in which the honour, perhaps the very existence, of the state was involved.


The disastrous folly of these wars, the material and moral damage inflicted even on the victor, appear so plain to the disinterested spectator that he is apt to despair of any state attaining years of discretion, and inclines to regard these natural cataclysms as implying some ultimate irrationalism in politics shows that the aggressive imperialism which we seek to understand is not the main the product of blind passions of races or of the mixed folly and ambition of politician. It is far more rational than at first sight spears. Irrational from the standpoint of the whole nation, it is rational enough from the standpoint of certain classes in the nation. A completely socialist state which kept good books and presented regular balance-sheet of expenditure and assets would soon discard imperialism; an intelligent laissez-faire democracy which gave duly proportionate weight in its policy to all economic interests alike would do the same. But a state in which certain well-organized business interests are able to outweigh the weak, diffused interest of the community is bound to pursue a policy which accords with the pressure of the former interests.


In order to explain imperialism on this hypothesis we have to answer two questions. Do we find in great britian today any well-organized group of special commercial and social interests which stand to gain by aggressive imperialism and the militarism it involves? If such a combination of interests exists, has it the power to work its will in the arena of politics?


What is the direct economic outcome of imperialism? A great expenditure of public money upon ships, guns, military and naval equipment and stores, growing the productive of enormous profits when a war, or an alarm of war, occurs; new public loans and important fluctuations in the home and foreign bourses; more posts for soldiers and sailors and the diplomatic and consular services; improvement of foreign investments by the substitution of the british flag for a foreign flag; acquisition of markets for certain classes of exports, and some protection and assistance for trades representing british houses in these manufactures; employment for engineers, missionaries, speculative miners, ranchers and other emigrants.


Certain definite business and professional interests feeding upon imperialistic expenditure, or upon the results of that expenditure, are thus set up in opposition to the common good, and, instinictively feeling their way to one another, are found united in strong sympathy to support every new imperialist exploit.


If the 60,000,000 british pound which may now be taken as a minimum expenditure on armaments in time of peace were subjected to a close analysis, most of it would be traced directly to the trills of certain big firms engaged in building warships and transports, equipping and coaling them, manufacturing guns and rifles, and ammunition, supplying horses, wagons, saddler, food, clothing for the serves, contracting for barracks, and for other large irregular needs. Through these main channels the millions flow to feed many subsidiary trades, most of which are quite aware that they are engaged in executing contracts for the services. Here we have an important nucleus of commercial imperialism. Some of these trades, especially the shipbuilding, boiler-making, and gun and ammunition trades, and conducted by large firms with immense capital, whose heads are well aware of the uses of political influence for trade purposes.


These men are imperialists by conviction; a pushful policy is good for them.


By far the most important economic factor in imperialism is the influence relating to investment. The growing cosmopolitanism of capital is the greatest economic change of this generation. Every advanced industrial nation is tending to place a larger share of its capital outside the limits of its own political area, in foreign countries, or in colonies, and to draw a growing income form this source.


The statistics of foreign investments, however, shed clear light upon the economic forces which are dominating our policy. While the manufacturing and trading classes make little out of their new markets, paying, if they knew it. Much more in taxation than they get out of them in trade, it is quite otherwise with the investor.


It is not too much to say that the modern foreign policy of great Britain is primarily a struggle for profitable markets of investment. To a larger extent every year great Britain is becoming a nation living upon tribute from abroad, and the classes who enjoy this tribute have an ever-increasing incentive to employ the public policy, the public purse, and the public force to extend the field of their private investments, and to safeguard and improve their existing investments. This is, perhaps, the most important fact in modern politics, and the obscurity in which it is wrapped constitutes the gravest danger to our state.


What is true of Great Britain is true likewise of France, Germany, the United States, and of all the countries in which modern capitalism has placed large surplus savings in the hands of a plutocracy or of a thrifty middle class.


Aggressive imperialism, which costs the tax-payer so dear, which is of so little value to the manufacturer and trader, which is fraught with such grave incalculable peril to the citizen, is a source of great gain to the investor who cannot find at home the profitable use he seeks for his capital, and insists that his government should help him to profitable and secure investments abroad.


If, contemplating the enormous expenditure on armaments, the ruinous wars, the diplomatic audacity of knavery by which modern governments seek to extend their territorial power, we put the plain, practical question, Cui bono? The first and most obvious answer is, the investor.


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Gem Wu 吳懷珏
Gem Wu 吳懷珏

Written by Gem Wu 吳懷珏


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